Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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And on the seventh day, the men looked up to the heavens and cursed the Lord. "What have we done to deserve such a meagre, blighted existence" they drivelled. "Please show us you love us!" And the Lord gave them Yoga pants.
Comments: 28
It might seem like yesterday to you but if in reality it was SO last century, can you remember all those daily things that you couldn't bear to be without (before the internet came around?). Time to get nostalgic.
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Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the following females are bone-fide geeks, but we can assure you they are cuties using stripped-down computers, or is it the other way around? Either way it's a combination that may prove too much for some of you?
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When it comes to ladies it's the magical number that mathematical nerds and religious freaks alike have worshiped for all eternity, the all-hallowed 'Holy Trinity' of hawtness. Prepare yourself for some triple-tastic women worship!
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It's that Monday time of the week again and that can mean only one thing. You need to get your ass out of the house to work. But before you go though, perhaps I could interest you in a nice big dump? The picture kind.
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Yes! Go grandpa, just because he's a tenth of your age does not mean you don't put that mofo to the floor, sport's sport, there's no fair play, just winners and losers, and who do you want to be? That's right, winners! ROFL.
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As if performing in-front of millions of sports fans wasn't stressful enough, now atheletes have to make sure they get their photo-pose just right too. Prepare to fear the telephoto lens and it's evil ways!
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Getting people to pose exactly how they were photographed decades before in the exact same location, wearing the same clothes aint exactly easy when you come to think of it! But on the interwebs anything is possible!
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Everyone has the right to protest, but it just seems that nowadays there are as many protests to counter-protest as there are things to protest about. Behold some VERY amusing ways to disrupt a dumb protest!
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Jeebus, if i ever knew i would be quoting Grease lyrics to describe seriously hawt chicks & summer when i was a kid then i would have converted to a Jehovah's Witnesses on the spot - WTF!?!
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