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How Not To Hoist a Race Car
There's a right way and a wrong way to lift a race car, and the guys in this video to an ample job of demonstrating the latter, so if you were looking to destroy a car then maybe you should call these guys up and they could do it for you.
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Behold the world of tomorrow! A utopia where yharge all of your household electronics by simply putting them on this magical mat and swearing like f#ck at it. It's good to see some things never change!
Comments: 4
The Rev. Phil Snider told the council during the August hearing that “this step of gay rights is but a steppingstone toward the immorality & lawlessness that will be characteristic of the last days.” But then, what’s this?
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I’m not really sure what any of this lot is but it looks tiny and it makes my skin crawl. I’m going to go out on a limb and say it though; more music videos should make use of microscopes. There. It’s out there now.
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This is what the Christian right wishes Jesus went around the world doing, but sadly, it’s just the work of someone’s twisted imagination. And thank the Lord it is, because otherwise Rick Perry would be creaming in his pants.
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He will not stop, until he’s conquered the entire earth and taught all four corners of the globe how to do it Gangnam style. Next stop, Britney! And so Ms Spears gets a lesson from the master in how to bust some shiz.
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And some of the crowd are on the pitch! Some of the crowd who are part of the canine family, that is—and they look like they're having a fun time, in fact it's probably the best thing to happen to Turkish soccer in years.
Comments: 3
You'd be hungry, too, if you'd been subsisting on a rice-based diet.
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Samuel Bemis accidentally hit an eager fan who jumped in front of his car at a recent F1 Japan benefit for victims of the earthquake and tsunamai that hit Japan.
Comments: 5
What happens when you have a terrible soccer player, a goal with no net and a kid with a video camera? You have all the ingredients for some great FAIL. Grandma gets nailed in the dome. Gold!
Comments: 10
You’ve never come across a Tetris bonus stage like this before—The blocky forms of Tetris are replaced with the goaty forms of goats, with an ever-changing panel of bleating. Because internet.
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