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Cat Attacks Dog
This Cat can serve up a punch with the best of them, but the day he met this Dog, it was the battle of the immovable object vs the unstoppable force.
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Have you ever seen a bath time babe with full make up on? Well you're about to & she looks fine !
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Henri's ennui continues. If you've never watched a cat exploring his listlessness and bored dissatisfaction at the endless tedium that we call life, you're missing out. Thankfully this video captures it perfectly.
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Fun.’s “We Are Young” caught the minds of some people, but those lyrics don’t resonate for the oldies whose years are beyond 30. To fix this singer-songwriters Tommy Fields and Nikki Boyer created this version.
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Some people will go to any lenghts to escape something unpleasant, even when sedated. Dude, no matter how many times you shift, you're still about to get drilled. Just pull over and take it like a man.
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Some other stairway fail compilations may claim to be the ultimate, but don’t listen to them, because they’re lying. This. Right. Here. Is the ultimate in people unable to navigate a stairway, so don’t settle for anything less.
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You can imagine our surprise that something as smart as leapfrogging a trash can could go wrong. Dude, you might as well deposit your junk in the trashcan now. It's useless.
Comments: 2
Outtakes from the famous ETrade Baby Commercials
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As the end of the world approaches, don't let that put you off kissing that cute girl/boy/zombie you've secretly been in love with and max'ing' out your credit cards as you try anything to laid. See, it isn't all bad news!
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Having hydraulics on a pool table is a great idea on a cruise ship, probably not such a good idea on dry land though unless you get some lights under it and bounce it up and down at traffic lights. Chicks love that.
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You are a soldier in the elite Orbital Drop Shock Troopers battling the Covenant in a ruined city - AWESOMENESS!!!
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